Talata Helwat Productions
Proudly Presents...

"Mahrajan Al-Raqs"
A Middle Eastern Dance Festival
at the Cornerstone Inn

Sunday, February 17, 2008
4:00pm - 8:00pm
SNOW DATE: February 24th









Farasha * Su'ad
Rakaset Layla * The Gypsy Caravan Dancers *
The Urban Desert Dancers

& many more Beautiful, Talented Performers!

* Live music by Gamal Shafik & Jawad *

Tickets are sold first come, first served!
We are expecting a SOLD OUT show!

Make your ticket purchase in advance!
Tickets at the door ONLY as available!

To Pay by Check: send your payment, made payable to
Gypsy Caravan Enterprises by 2/08 to:
Gypsy Caravan Enterprises
P.O. Box 231
Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075

Yasmeen El Qa'Hira
Gia al Qamar
Yasmeen El Qa'Hira Chadia Gia al Qamar
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Chadia's Dance Productions Chadia's Dance Productions Chadia's Dance Productions Chadia's Dance Productions Chadia's Dance Productions